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My plan…

So with my blog, I plan to show a few different aspects of my life including my writing and creative skills. I want to show some of my creative writing from a few years ago and some new piece I have been working on. I would like to introduce some character profiles and snippets of scripts into the mix. Also, I am not an amazing author so please be kind.

I also will try to incorporate some photography into my site as its something I want to get better at and like Julie Andrews always says; “Pictures are worth a thousand words”. (Name that movie)

I will also write about my journey into something completely new, as I am moving to another City and studying at University. I want to introduce what my new lifestyle is like. And introduce some tips and tricks I know or have learned from the experience.

So, my plan is to post at least once a week. I am writing up some material now, to be prepared. I also want to alter my posts, so that it is not just stories all the time and also not always real life when you need an escape. Some of my posts may be small and some may be longer so I hope you enjoy.

P.s. If you want to chat about a post just leave a comment and I’ll answer as often as I can 🙂 Have an amazingly Awesome day!

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