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This is discussing how COVID-19 has affected me and how I’ve stayed productive despite the lock down order in the UK from the 23rd of March.

A lot of this time has been spent finishing University work, which has been interesting. Removing all the amazing equipment and SPACE we are giving at university is totally taken for granted until it is removed. So a large part of my university work has been creating new and exciting ways to produce high standard creative works.

I have learned new skills including using new technologies- I have created a Sound cloud account which has been brilliant!

I have been singing more which has been fun and being able to stay with another actor has allowed lots of random singing duets.

An an actor i have started to create self tapes which i wish to continue weekly. I have also (stemmed from my outfit chosen for me week) started to write some monologues so I can self tape and audio record to keep creatively active.

With Etcetera Theatre Company Scotland’s first formal meeting outside of University bounds on the 11th of this month, lots of new and exciting written and directing work will be flowing collaboratively through my theatre company.

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